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Hello there, I'm Ashleigh

I am thrilled to begin facilitating creative movement spaces regularly. As I risk following my soul’s call to the artistry that brings me alive, I recall the words of the mystical poet Rumi when he writes, “Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are a hundred ways to kneel and kiss the ground.” Dance is one of the primary beauties that I love, one of the ways I kneel and kiss the ground, and one of the most potent ways I learn and deepen. Movement practice has breathed vitality and beauty into my life again and again, even when I was a storm of grief or a walking ghost of doubt. The dance can hold us (and even welcome us) in all the textures and changing weather of being human and alive. I feel so excited to share the dance with you.


My training in Open Floor Movement provides an incredible artist's palette for creating evocative and varied landscapes for somatic exploration and creative process. 


Please reach out to learn more about my praxis or simply come join me at my next offering.


A Bit About Ashleigh

Ashleigh is trained as an Open Floor Movement Teacher and also a devout student of the natural world, devoted to the work of Nature Connection and remembering our kindredness with and responsibility to all life across species. Open Floor is a lively movement inquiry with curiosity at its core. A moving meditation practice, we come together to feel, to experiment, to encounter, to resource ourselves, to cultivate the art of attention, to study our relational patterns and brave creative shifts, to remember the wild intelligence of the body and unlock the untold longings begging for our attention. We come together to cultivate sensitivity - the ability to feel the world within and without - and to stay in creative relationship with whatever arises: grief, joy, connection, collision, pain, pleasure, stuckness, fluidity - everything is creative fuel. We learn to move and include it all, physically, emotionally, mentally and soulfully. We learn to inhabit paradox. To be embodied is to come to our senses, more fully alive, awake, and aware in the world. On the Open Floor, we believe that when we more fully and sensitively inhabit our bodies, we can participate in more regenerative, resilient and creative relationships with ourselves, each other, and the planet.  Breath by breath, growing our capacity to feel, to attune, to be fully alive while we are alive, and to contribute some touch of soul and beauty to the world. 


Positionality Statement: 

Ashleigh currently lives in Santa Fe, NM in the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, ancestral and current land of the Tewa people. She believes in uncovering the nuance of lineage and ancestry, especially as part of the work of Somatic Abolitionism and unlearning the internalized culture of White Supremacy, Patriarchy and Capitalism and all the ways they are intertwined. 

Come Dance with Us

Come dance if you are longing for more depth and connection in your life. If you are longing for a more vitalized relationship with your body and soul. If life feels flattened, automatic, stale, stuck or you just have a hunch that there is an undiscovered part of you that longs to be found.


Come dance if you hunger for a deeper sense of belonging to the earth and to life but aren’t sure where to begin to cultivate that felt sense.


Come dance if you long for more creativity and aliveness and need support in remembering how to play.


Come dance if you want to learn basic tools for connecting to and resourcing through the intelligence of the body.


Come dance if you want to unlearn together the ways the body has been colonized and conditioned to be a limited fragment of what is possible. One of my deep fascinations is the ecology of being: how we each are made of a thousand relationships from the very beginning of our lives and there is no such thing as an atomized individual removed from the living web of being - ancestral, cellular, ecological. Through the body we can begin to remember those living webs that connect us to everything alive and insist on our belonging to and responsibility to life – messy, soulful, uncodifiable life. 



  • Masters Degree in Teaching Early Childhood Education (2012)

  • Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Anthropology and Spanish Language (2007)

  • The Academy of Forest Kindergarten Teachers (3 year training completed 2024)

  • 500 hour Certified Hatha Yoga Teacher (2010 + 2016)

Open Floor International Teacher Training Completed in 2019


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